Secure Your Commercial Parking Lot with License Plate Recognition

LPR Live Monitor Commercial

Camera Agnostic: Compatible with Leading Models of LPR OCR Cameras from Major Manufacturers on the Marke

Economical Commercial License Plate Recognition Solutions

At the heart of commercial property management lies a commitment to security, safety, and efficiency. However, managing the constant influx of vehicles entering and exiting a commercial property presents a significant challenge. With Proptia's Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system, manual logging of car plates becomes a thing of the past. Our system utilizes high-speed cameras and advanced software to seamlessly capture license plates, vehicle make, model, color, style, and even images of the vehicle and license plate itself. This comprehensive approach ensures accurate and detailed tracking of every entry and exit, providing invaluable insights for effective property management.

Commercial License Plate Recognition
License Plate Recognition for Commercial Parking

With automated license plate recognition, you can:

  • Elevate property security with advanced features
  • Seamlessly store all license plate data in secure cloud storage
  • Streamline vehicle entry processes for enhanced efficiency and convenience for staff, vendors, and guests
  • Gain precise insights into vehicle entry details, including time, location, and duration
  • Compatible with a wide range of existing IP cameras available on the market

All the LPR Reports you need

Powerful reporting and filtering. Search by vehicle type, attribute, time parameters, pass types, and tags.

  • Capture Make, Model, Color, and Type
  • Gathers plate and vehicle image
  • Transactions
  • Vehicles Onsite
  • Vehicle Activity
  • Muster Report
  • Time On-Site
  • Unregistered Vehicle Report
  • Cut Through Report
  • Roving Vehicle Report
  • Overstay Report
LPR reports
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License Plate as a Credential

Proptia streamlines visitor processing through license plate recognition for commercial properties. Staff and tenants can register both temporary and permanent visitors. Upon their initial arrival, the system automatically records the visitor’s license plate number and vehicle details, associating them with the visitor’s record. Subsequent visits are expedited, as the license plate camera recognizes the plate and grants access, provided the visitor’s status remains active

  • Allow users to add visitors and vendor plates
  • Control temporary access
  • Control permanent access
  • Fast and effecient
  • Reduce visitor lines

How Does Automatic License Plate Recognition Work?

LPR systems utilize specialized cameras positioned strategically to capture images of passing vehicles and their license plates. These cameras work effectively in varying lighting conditions and angles. The captured images undergo preprocessing to enhance quality and reduce noise, followed by analysis to identify and segment individual characters on the license plate.


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software then processes these segmented characters, utilizing pattern recognition and machine learning algorithms to interpret alphanumeric characters, even when distorted or partially obscured. To enhance accuracy, the system may verify recognized characters against a database of known license plate formats.

Subsequently, the recognized license plate characters are compared to a database of registered vehicles or vehicles of interest. Based on this comparison, the system can trigger various actions, such as opening gates for authorized vehicles or alerting law enforcement about flagged plates. Images and recognized data are stored for later retrieval, supporting forensic investigations and historical tracking.


Administrators can access reporting capabilities and user interfaces to manage data, generate reports, and configure system settings. While specific technologies and algorithms may vary, the fundamental process involves capturing, preprocessing, and interpreting license plate data, offering a versatile solution for diverse applications.

LPR and Intercom Integration

LPR Integrated with 2n IP Style Intercom

Proptia’s LPR seamlessly integrates with your telephone entry and visitor management operations, working in tandem to enhance security and efficiency. Beyond capturing data and images of individuals, our system also records vehicle images, providing a comprehensive story of every entry, including who, what, when, and the associated vehicle details

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Image Capture

Proptia harnesses the power of high-definition IP cameras, strategically stationed at entrance and exit gates, to deliver unparalleled precision in capturing license plate details, as well as vehicle make, model, color, and type in real-time. Our collaboration with all major OCR/LPR camera manufacturers ensures that we employ only the highest quality cameras available on the market, guaranteeing crisp, clear image captures for flawless data accuracy.Unlike other camera setups, however, we employ a high-speed processing that can accurately capture vehicle information even if a car is in motion.


Machine Learning

Machine learning is pivotal in enhancing automatic license plate recognition systems, enabling them not only to identify license plate numbers with high accuracy but also to discern the make, model, color, and style of vehicles. By training on a diverse dataset of images, these systems learn to recognize patterns and features specific to different vehicle types, making them adept at identifying a wide array of vehicles under various conditions. This advanced capability ensures that the system remains highly effectiv



Whether you're looking to examine on-premise activity, evaluate the time vehicles spend on-site, or identify unregistered vehicles, our platform provides these insights and more at your fingertips. With this advanced technology, you gain not only a watchful eye over your property but also actionable intelligence to enhance security and operational efficiency, day and nigh

range rover license plate

Are you a manager, owner, operator, or developer seeking to enhance your perimeter security and access control systems? Explore the advanced features of Proptia by scheduling a personalized demo with one of our consultants today."

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to manually enter vehicle information for the license plate cameras to detect the vehicle make and model?

No, Proptia’s license plate recognition software will automatically identify vehicle make, model, color, license plate number, vehicle image and plate image in real-time. License and number plate recognition is available in nearly 70 countries and growing.

How do ALPR systems make a business and or campus safer?

License plate recognition technologies enables you to capture another layer of data should an incident occur. That data can only be accessed via approved administrators of the system and if they choose, they can share that information with law enforcement. License plate recognition has the ability to capture not only who entered the community or access a particular street but it can also capture who and when a vehicles exited an area or community. When you put together entry and exit license plate reading you can run detailed reports to see who came in that hasn’t left, who left between certain times, you can even find unregistered vehicles to spot tailgaters or vehicles cutting through your community.

Does the license plate recognition read at night?

Yes, Proptia’s license plate recognition reads very successfully at night. The software is trained to operate in low light conditions and the machine learning algorithms are able to still detect vehicle make, model, and color.

What kind of data reporting can you expect from ALPR systems

Below is a list of reports you can run in Proptia. Not only can you run a report manually but you can create reports, save them, and set your reports to automatically run on a recurring basis. Daily, Weekly, Monthly and automatically email to the appropriate individuals.

      1. Capture Make, Model, Color, and Type
      2. Gathers plate and vehicle image
      3. Transactions
      4. Vehicles Onsite
      5. Vehicle Activity
      6. Muster Report
      7. Time On-Site
      8. Unregistered Vehicle Report
      9. Cut Through Report
      10. Roving Vehicle Report
      11. Overstay Report